Hello kind stranger, I’m Florian Chen and I’m a Bachelors student in Software & Information Engineering at TU Wien. I’m interested in theoretical foundations and applications of (probabilistic) machine learning algorithms.
Research Experience
- Student Employee: Machine Learning Research Unit at TU Wien (2024 - ongoing)
- Research on algorithms for graph embeddings advised by Prof. Stefan Neumann
- Student Employee: Machine Learning Research Unit at TU Wien (2023 - 2024)
- Research on efficient algorithms for real-time interactive data visualization in a kernel setting advised by Prof. Thomas Gärtner
- Research on domain-size generalization properties (and methods to improve them) in statistical relational learning models advised by Dr. Sagar Malhotra
Florian Chen, Felix Weitkämper, Sagar Malhotra. 2024
Understanding Domain-Size Generalization in Markov Logic Networks.
In ECML-PKDD. [Poster] [Slides]
Florian Chen, Thomas Gärtner. 2024
Scalable Interactive Data Visualization.
In ECML-PKDD (Demo Track). [Poster]